
Un reto de la leche

Un reto: leche.

4 comentarios:

kpernau dijo...

I don't understand...
- at the first- what is the challange?
- the second one (Maybe like milkbar? In german the milkbar for children are the boobs ^^).

Don't laugh - it's difficult to read a blog with online translators and dictionaries

Naomi Pastor - Jayto dijo...

I think it is more simple, I just have to do anything (drawing, photo,etc) about milk. As you know I prefer drawing so... they are two examples of what I did.
I apologize if my english is bad ^_^

kpernau dijo...

"... I just have to do anything (drawing, photo,etc) about milk ..."

Do you study arts or is it only your hobby?

I like your style. It is a genius mixture. Like the people in the Gorillaz videos.

My english isn't very well, too. But a conversation in english is simplier for me than in spanish.

lo siento, no hablo español ^_^

Naomi Pastor - Jayto dijo...

I study Industrial design but the most I draw is as a hobby.
I was challenged by a member of a forum I am used to, she proposed a topic and we have to do everything we can about this topic.
The topic of July was milk.

I hope I could help you to understand me a little better.

Thanks again for all your support.